Saturday, November 12, 2011

One Sentence!

"The thing I loved about Nadine was that I never felt like she was selling anything. She would talk about God as if she knew Him, as if she had talked to Him on the phone that day. She was never ashamed, which is the thing with some Christians I encounted. They felt like they had to sell God, as if He were soap or a vacuum cleaner, and it's like they really weren't listening to me; they didn't care, they just wanted me to buy their product." Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz p. 52

This week a woman shared, with tears in her eyes, how God used her polio stricken husband. When a man entered their church one Sunday, her husband asked the man if he came because he was curious or because he wanted to learn about Jesus. Fifteen years later, they received a letter. Because of the question the man had been asked on that Sunday, a future day found him accepting Jesus as his Saviour.

One sentence!

On our first visit to a church, the worship leader addressed the congregation as "Beloved." We've attended that church, now, for several months. And several times since, he has again addressed us as "Beloved." Every time, it brings healing to my heart.

One Word!

Imagine what God might be doing with the sincere words you speak!

What, in God's Word, encourages you to share Jesus in your most natural and genuine way? And to trust Him with the results?

Beloved and Growing -- How about you?

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