Monday, March 14, 2011

A Christian? When?

"Those who have studied the manner in which people become Christians tell us there are two main ways of coming to faith in Christ. One is through a dramatic conversion, whereby a person confronted with the claims of Christ yields to Him in a single moment. The other is when a person moves more slowly into faith, and sometimes cannot pinpoint the exact moment when he or she made the great surrender. What must be remembered is that both experiences are valid. The best evidence that we are alive is not our birth certificate but the fact we are going about our daily lives as living, breathing people."
Selwyn Hughes goes on to explain that he doesn't worry about whether people have a "date" of conversion as long as he sees evidence of them desiring to pray, desiring to be in God's Word, and eager to fellowship with other Christians.

I remember Olga. She lived downstairs from us in our early married life. She was of one of those denominations. They didn't believe in a time, a particular prayer, or that word "saved." But, she told of when her husband died -- when she had learned to depend on Jesus Christ. She didn't say, "I gave my life to Christ," but we knew she had.

I'd love to hear of how you came to faith. Was it in a moment? Or over the years? I'd enjoy hearing what you think of the above quote. Does it confirm your thinking? Change it?

So grateful that God knows our hearts,

Light For The Path
Selwyn Hughes
Broadman and Holman 1999

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Victim Turned Victor

I found myself checking through my closet to find an outfit for my latest pity party. Having attended many such parties before, I had several outfits to choose from. "Lonnie," God said, "You don't need pity. You need compassion and my compassions are new every morning." I exchanged my victim uniform for one of a victor.(see Lamentations 3:22-23)

This lesson is huge!

I'd been intentionally wielding the Sword of the Spirit against Satan and the battles he was throwing my way. When I was making little headway, God reminded me that I needed the "full" armor of God. I'd forgotten to take up the shield of faith. (Ephesians 6:16) God, I don't have faith. I can't stir it up. I can't produce it on demand. He reminded me to fix my eyes on Jesus, "the author and perfecter of our faith." (Hebrews 12:2) He reminded me also that "faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." (Romans 10:17)

This post is full of Scripture, but how immensely blessed I am to have it at my disposal. Christians all over the world are without the written Word of God. Please read His Word and read it often. Here's why: "the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." (John 14:26 NIV) He can't "remind" you of something you've never read or heard. Don't put super-sized goals out there -- an hour or two daily. Start with 15 minutes. Soon enough, you'll find that time stretching because you'll enjoy the feeling of a full and satisfied spirit.

Have you learned any HUGE lessons lately? If so, did God's Word play a part of that lesson?

Great is His Faithfulness!