Saturday, April 28, 2012


"There are many scholars who have read the Bible for information but have never entered into a fellowship with Jesus Christ. That reminds me of the difference between a woman who memorizes a menu at a restaurant and a woman who enjoys the food. Only one gets fed!”
Becoming a Woman Who Listens to God By Sharon Jaynes p. 16
I have obviously gotten behind on this blog—not for lack of ideas or for lack of great hints from others who spend time in God’s Word.

Sometimes life happens.

And sometimes, discipline doesn't.

But I couldn't let this passage slip by without sharing it. It reminds me of a young man whose parents told him to read a menu from right to left--prices first. His "enjoying the food" was somewhat limited. Not so with God's Word. We can enjoy it all!

What are you reading these days? Old Testament or New? Are you following a particular theme or working through a Bible Study? Are you finding yourself more informed, or transformed? Memorizing the menu, or being fed?

Ever Growing,

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

We Remember What We Ponder

"If you write down a verse or a passage that challenges or encourages you, and reflect on it often for a week or more, you will find it beginning to affect your motives and actions. We forget quickly what we read once; we remember what we ponder."

If you've never purchased a LifeChange Bible study by Navpress, treat yourself. The Bible study hints are worth the price.

The above hint is one Ray follows and follows well. Me? Not so much. Sitting still and quiet doesn't work for me. But I have found that when I tape Scripture verses to my bathroom mirror, they seem to find their way into my prayers. And I also find that when I get frustrated with, say, a co-worker, the Holy Spirit brings the verse to my rememberance.

I'm likely, in future blogs, to share some other hints from LifeChange. What hints for Bible study or Devotion times have you read about and hope to try? Or what have you tried that worked? Or didn't work?

Are you growing? Me, too?

LifeChange Series: Isaiah p.7

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Impatient Gardener

" . . . the Word is a seed. Seeds are small and may be long dormant; seeds have to be hidden; and when they sprout, they are of slow growth.

"Because the action of God's Word is hidden and unobserved, we do not believe in its power. . . The Word I study . . . will work in me all I need, and all the Father asks." Andrew Murray*

When I plant a garden, I plant radishes for two reasons: 1) My husbands enjoys them. 2) They sprout and bear fruit quickly. Squash? That's a different story! I have to water, weed, and watch for 3 months. When I don't see edible fruit after 2 months, do I give up and pull out the plants? No. I wait . . . a little longer.

When it seems like our quiet times add nothing to our days; when we don't see changes in ourselves or in the world around us, we need to keep planting. We need to keep reading, praying and watching. God is working in ways we may not see.

"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and WAIT IN EXPECTATION." (emphasis mine) Psalm 5:3 NIV

Always Needy--Ever Growing,

*Daily Experience With God
Andrew Murray (p.35-6)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Old Writers' Trick

Sometimes using Bible studies for my quiet times frustrates more than helps. I don't understand the author's question, let alone know how to answer it. And I wonder, if the point she is trying to make is important, why I can't get it. How does feeling dumb help me connect to, or feel closer to God? It doesn't.

Other times, I choose a book of the Bible to read from beginning to end. In doing so, I encounter nations far from my familiarity or people whose names I can't pronounce. And then, some Bible characters have 2 names. One day they are Jacob, another day Israel. One day Saul and the next day Paul. And isn't Saul the king that was trying to kill David? And isn't Paul my brother?

It feels like I'm trying to untangle a skein of yarn that's been through the spin cylce. HELP!

The last couple mornings, I've been in one of those places. This morning, I rejoiced to read questions that seemed to require straight-forward answers, and others that seemed to actually apply to my life.

So . . .

I determined to try an old writers' trick. I saved them.

Writers often sit down at their computer only to be overwhelmed with a blank screen. Where do I start? What was it I wanted to say? It's so easy to give up and walk away. But books and articles don't get written that way.

What some do is to stop mid-sentence the day before, or mid-paragraph, or in the middle of intense action. When they sit down the next day, they only need to continue.

This morning, I stopped at a question that I'll enjoy thinking about tomorrow. When I sit down, I won't face the "dumber than a bucket of rocks" feeling.

How do you get past boring? Difficult? Tired?
Share with the rest of us.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Time With God: Does It Change Your Day?

"Nowhere in the Bible do I get the idea that living life with Jesus is about a segment of my day.
"However, I have found that segment of my day [tent of meeting/focused time with God] to be critical. It fixes my focus on God and sets me up to spend the rest of my day with him."
Vince Antonucci*

Do you have time with God that fixes your focus for the day?

I wish I could say that I leave my quiet time with a Scripture verse to guide my actions and attitudes through the day. But, by the time I eat breakfast, get dressed, fix my lunch, and leave for work, most of what I've read or learned from my Bible Study is barely retrievable. And yet -- I feel different. I am a different person.

The crisis of oversleeping, for me, wouldn't be arriving late for work. It would be missing my fellowship with God.

When we go out of town, my #1 consideration is where and when I can have some morning time alone with God and His Word. Time in His Word satisfies, gives hope, and enables me to better cope with the demands and the people in my day. My quiet time helps me feel "connected" to the One who holds the galaxies in one hand and a newborn in His other hand.

Does having a Quiet Time (or not) make a difference in your day?
Enjoying God,

*I Became A Christian And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt"
by Vince Antonucci

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What's Working? What Isn't?

I expected a challenge, but . . . this week, I've just plain struggled! I get irritated with myself when I don't understand the deep principles that Beth Moore is trying to teach about the Tabernacle. I feel dumb . . . not a feeling I'm prone to enjoy.

But, I turned my quiet time around with this determination:

It doesn't matter if "I get" what Beth Moore is trying to say. It matters that "I get" what God is trying to say." God's Word . . . accomplishes what He desires. (Isaiah 55:11)

This morning, Christian radio became my invitation into God's presence. I often listen to music while I do my Bible study. However, it's usually distracting and I have to turn it off. This morning, I listened and worshiped along a few minutes "before" I began reading. What a difference!

What's working, and what isn't, in your quiet times? Let's encourage one another.

Ever Growing,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Any Suggestions?

My morning Bible study required that I read two chapters over again. Ugh!

I love God's Word. Why is that an issue? Because . . . it slows my pace. I'm goal oriented--all about completing. And I love learning. When I finish this study, I can start another one. And "that's" what a quiet time is about?

Though I'd kicked myself for buying another book, I became convinced that God had put this one by Andrew Murray in my path. Murray's words echoed the ones I'd been hearing in my heart.

"Christian, there is a terrible danger to which you stand exposed in your inner chamber of prayer. You are in danger of sustituting prayer and Bible study for living fellowship with God."

It's so hard for me to "settle in." I enjoy God's Word. He wants me to enjoy Him.

Any suggestions?

Ever Growing,

* Daily Experience With God
Andrew Murray (p.13)