Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Time With God: Does It Change Your Day?

"Nowhere in the Bible do I get the idea that living life with Jesus is about a segment of my day.
"However, I have found that segment of my day [tent of meeting/focused time with God] to be critical. It fixes my focus on God and sets me up to spend the rest of my day with him."
Vince Antonucci*

Do you have time with God that fixes your focus for the day?

I wish I could say that I leave my quiet time with a Scripture verse to guide my actions and attitudes through the day. But, by the time I eat breakfast, get dressed, fix my lunch, and leave for work, most of what I've read or learned from my Bible Study is barely retrievable. And yet -- I feel different. I am a different person.

The crisis of oversleeping, for me, wouldn't be arriving late for work. It would be missing my fellowship with God.

When we go out of town, my #1 consideration is where and when I can have some morning time alone with God and His Word. Time in His Word satisfies, gives hope, and enables me to better cope with the demands and the people in my day. My quiet time helps me feel "connected" to the One who holds the galaxies in one hand and a newborn in His other hand.

Does having a Quiet Time (or not) make a difference in your day?
Enjoying God,

*I Became A Christian And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt"
by Vince Antonucci

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