Thursday, February 9, 2012

What's Working? What Isn't?

I expected a challenge, but . . . this week, I've just plain struggled! I get irritated with myself when I don't understand the deep principles that Beth Moore is trying to teach about the Tabernacle. I feel dumb . . . not a feeling I'm prone to enjoy.

But, I turned my quiet time around with this determination:

It doesn't matter if "I get" what Beth Moore is trying to say. It matters that "I get" what God is trying to say." God's Word . . . accomplishes what He desires. (Isaiah 55:11)

This morning, Christian radio became my invitation into God's presence. I often listen to music while I do my Bible study. However, it's usually distracting and I have to turn it off. This morning, I listened and worshiped along a few minutes "before" I began reading. What a difference!

What's working, and what isn't, in your quiet times? Let's encourage one another.

Ever Growing,

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