Saturday, January 15, 2011


"Is it true that faith is invisible without works (James 2:17)?"

Yes, and what a great way to put it. The question in my Bible study book gave me words that would stick in my head and help me apply the principle of faith proved by works/good deeds.


The right answer to that question is, "No, that is not true." James 2 tells us that the absence of works doesn't make faith invisible. James says, " . . .faith, if it has no works, is DEAD!" It's of no value; no effect. If we are saved by faith, (see Ephesians 2:8-9) but our faith is dead, we have cause for concern. I suspect the author knew exactly what he was asking. And, no doubt, he expected to catch a few readers off guard--like me. Though he came through the back door, the author delivered his message with a punch; one that will hang around my heart for a long time.

As a writer, I love words! I enjoy the ways authors arrange them on a page. I love learning and sharing what I learn in my own words. But, the example above shows the need for discernment and great care.

When you listen to a sermon, read a book, or read my blog, follow the example of the Bereans: " . . . for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things (that Paul taught) were so (Acts 17: 10-11)."

What do you do when something sounds off-center? Do you brush it off as unimportant? Do you ask a pastor or friend? Do you get out your Bible? If you get out your Bible, share the steps you use to finding answers.

Still Growing--Hope you are, too.

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