Monday, January 31, 2011

Celebrate the Temporary

A friend, years ago, shared her copy of a book titled, "Celebrate the Temporary." I don't recall it's focus, but today I'm re-enjoying the title.

I've titled my blog Worthy Words, not because I have a closet full of wisdom, myself; but because I love to learn and love to share the encouragement and lessons I gain from "other people's" words. And because I want "us" to be ever conscious of whether a writer's or speaker's words line up with God's Word.

I'm reading Anne Graham Lotz's book, "The Vision of His Glory." What a courageous woman to take on the book of Revelations! This morning I'm reading her thoughts on the church of Smyrna. She takes on a passage that has puzzled me: "You will suffer persecution for ten days?" Boy, would I like to change the word persecution to trial and then hold God to a promise I've rewritten to suit my needs. Anne admits that she isn't sure of the exact meaning, but suggests that the principle of Rev. 2:10b is "that suffering is temporary. It only lasts ten days; there is an end or limit to it. . . . It will end! If not today, then tomorrow. If not tomorrow, next week. If not next week, next month. If not next month, next year. If it lasts your entire lifetime, it is still temporary compared to eternity.

"If we could mark out our lives on a time line that included all eternity, the line itself would be miles long, with our lives lived on earth just a dot on the line. And the suffering we experience during our lives on earth would be such a small mark it would be undetectable." (The Vision of His Glory/W Publishing Group 1996-page 83)

Tough times are the time to Celebrate the Temporary. However huge the emotional drain, however severe the pain or financial struggle; however difficult the relationship, the suffering is temporary. It "feels" like eternity -- but only because we cannot fathom how long eternity is.

Friend, I pray that you feel God's hug today. I pray that He puts a Scripture in your path, or recalls one to your mind that brings you comfort, hope, and a reason to keep on going. I pray that even though your trial feels like it will never end that somehow God will help you grasp that it is, indeed, temporary.

You Are In My Prayers Today,

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