Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Too Many Books

Too many booksales. Too may books. And once again, I'm reading too many at one time.

Please, someone, tell me you can relate.

I become aware, with my overindulgence, that I need to discern between what's truth and what's embellishment . . . between what is over-emphasized and what is under-emphasized. I need a greater knowledge of God's Word. I need to cherish His Word above those of man. For that reason, I often think I'll fast from books . . . from man's thoughts, in order to read more of the Bible . . . God's thoughts.

But . . .

I stumble the very first morning. I lay my Bible on the table, and right next to it, my devotion book. "Does that count?" I ask myself. Then I give up.

I guess my heart and mind need primed like an old-time water pump. The pumps needed a taste of water in order to give more water. My devotion books work that way. They, and their prescribed Scriptures, give me direction and sort of tune me in to God.

So while I'm entertaining these notions of a book fast, I read this: (in a book, of course) "Compare the amount of time you invest in reading books with the time you spend reading God's Word." *

I love studying the Bible, but compared to books, do I give it equal time? Not even close! So, I began to pray about how to actually fulfill my resolution of a book fast.

"How about one day at a time? Or two?"

Maybe that "is" the problem. I always determine to fast from books for a week, or a month. Frankly, that overwhelms.

I love to learn.

I can't sleep without reading.

I can't drink coffee without reading.

I can't eat without reading.

And yes, I keep reading material in the bathroom.

But, "a" day, with only the Bible? I could do that. And, I won't slap my hand for pulling out a devotion book; but that's the only allowance I'll give myself.

How about you? Will you accept the challenge with me? If so, let me know how it goes? What was hard? What was good?

Within the next week, I'm going to try "a" day. I'm excited to see what God has to teach me.

Ever Reading,

* Fear Not Tomorrow, God Is Already There by Ruth Graham, p. 26

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